FanArt Friday: The Cuteness Of The Eevolutions

For this edition of FanArt Friday, Pokémon Blog is fortunate to feature the art of Cami, also known as Kadoremi.Art. This talented artist was also a part of the incredible project of Ilustradoras Unidas titled Pokédex Ilustrada.

For as long as our featured artist can remember, she has always liked Art.

Especially Drawing.

We 🤎 Eevee!

“I’ve drawn since I was little, and I haven’t stopped until now. Later on, I also studied Music, so Art has been present in many aspects of my life. I feel that my life makes sense because of it. I don’t know what I would do if it weren’t for Art.”

Bidoof And The Sunflower Field🌻🌻

“Pokémon means a lot to me,” she shared. “It was the first anime I ever watched, the first album I’ve ever collected, and the first video game I played when I had my first GameBoy. Since then, I’ve played all the main saga and several spin-offs, and I’ve replayed some of them several times because they entertain me a lot. I also collect figurines and stuffed animals. I play the melodies of the games on piano, which inspired me a lot for what I’m doing now (Illustration). I feel Pokémon has occupied a big space in my heart during all these years, and it will continue to be.”

Sleeping Beauty🐑

Cami never thought she would be able to combine her love for Pokémon and her passion for Art.

“I have always liked Pokémon, and I have drawn a lot throughout my life. But for me, it was so important to be able to live from this. I have gone through different things trying to achieve this goal. Firstly, I started doing Traditional Art, where I painted birds, flowers, and things like that.  Then, I bought a tablet and started to dabble in Digital Art to draw other things I liked, like anime and kawaii themes. Finally, I was encouraged and started to go to fairs and festivals where I sold stuff made by me and earned a lot of money from that. I really liked the experience, but it did not give me enough to live on. So now, I have started to get interested in tattooing and found a little more stability doing that. The best thing is that it allows me to continue drawing everything I like, such as Pokémon, anime, and kittens.  It feels nice to be able to live from that little by little, with a lot of effort and perseverance.”

Cami is also a tattoo artist, and these are some of the Pokémon designs she does!💚

Our featured artist has had several favorite Pokémon throughout the years, but she has always had a special place for Vaporeon: “Since the first game I played, I chose it to put on my team. And I think I would get it tattooed if I could, so it’s definitely my favorite.”

Vaporeon is Cami’s favorite Pokémon💧

Remember you can follow our featured artist on her Social Media Accounts:



Flower Crown🌼🌷🌼

Let’s see more of Cami’s incredible artworks, including the illustrations she made for Pokédex Ilustrada, below:

Corsola for Pokédex Ilustrada 🐚

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