FanArt Friday: A Tale Of Elegance & Strength

For this edition of FanArt Friday, Pokémon Blog is beyond delighted to have the presence of the incredible VIVIT. They also participated in the phenomenal Pokédex Ilustrada, organized by our friends of Ilustradoras Unidas.

“Even if we don’t realize it, art is everywhere,” they said. “For my part, I consider what I do as expression and creation, showing something of my own imagination. Character design (humans and creatures) really appeals to me, and I’ve always wanted to dedicate myself to that. I think being able to create individuals and worlds with just a pencil is amazing.”

What a lovely illustration of the magnificent Magearna!🩷🩷🩷

Pokémon is one of the most influential things in our artist’s life. 

“I was always fascinated by the idea of these super powerful creatures that, besides being strong, could be your companions and live adventures with you. Pokémon led me to research Mythology and Biology. It also made me fill dozens of sketchbooks with fantastic beings. I think there’s nothing cooler than your best friend being a ten-meter legendary dragon.”

Combining their two passions is a great opportunity to experiment. But it also takes them back to the good times they had while playing the Pokémon video games: “It made me recognize how influential the franchise has been in my life, and it also made me meet other Pokémon fans.”

“I understood that reference”: Quilava for the second generation of Pokédex Ilustrada🔥

According to VIVIT, their favorite Pokémon is Suicune. But they have always liked big-and-dinosaur-like types of Pokémon such as Aggron or Nidoqueen. 

“Pokémon Crystal was the first game I played, and the intro marked me for life,” they shared. “Suicune showed me that elegance can go hand in hand with strength, besides having an incredible story. Suicune has been my absolute favorite since I was nine years old.”

One of their favorites for the third generation of  Pokédex Ilustrada🪨

Don’t forget you can follow them on their Instagram:


Let’s see more of their beautiful art:

The Dancing Queen Roserade for  the fourth generation of  Pokédex Ilustrada🌹🌹🌹
Our artist created the Girafarig’s evolution of their dreams💫💫💫
When the Gym Leaders are Fashion Icons!😎
Espeon is indeed our Sun!!☀️☀️☀️

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