FanArt Friday: A PokéStory That Ties Us Together

For this edition of FanArt Friday, Pokémon Blog is delighted to display the art of the exceptional Cuchuflis Love. This gifted artist has participated in the four generations of Pokédex Ilustrada, the ambitious project created by our friends from Ilustradoras Unidas.

For CL, art means a form of expression that has always been in her life through illustrated books and other forms of artistic expression that have interested her.

“Art has been a fundamental part of my way of seeing the world because it provides me with another perspective.”

Barry is CL’s favorite Pokémon Rival!

“I got to know Pokemon through TV,” our featured artist explained. “When I got older, I was introduced to the Pokémon Games and their generations. It changed my life. I became too obsessed with the franchise. I played the first games and tried to catch all the Pokémon. When a new generation gets released, I try to play it and see the designs. And although I have been disappointed with some of them, I am still faithful to the franchise.”

Under The Moonbeams: The beautiful Lapras for the first generation of Pokédex Ilustrada🌕

“It’s been a year since I started illustrating more seriously, so when I saw the announcement of Pokédex Ilustrada, I had to participate! I had always wanted to draw Pokémon, but I didn’t have enough motivation to do it, so this gave me the push I needed to start illustrating. I have loved illustrating the characters that have touched me and being able to tell a background story,” she shared.

There’s something very original in CL’s illustrations for Pokédex Ilustrada since every drawing has cameos of all the Pokémon she has done so far.

IN THE HILLS🍃The loveliest group of Buneary for the fourth generation of Pokédex Ilustrada🌸

CL always chooses electric-type Pokémon and psychic-type Pokémon as her favorites. But with every new generation, she keeps changing her top. Currently, she considers Fidough as her favorite. And, despite being a fairy-type Pokémon, he has a place in her team.

“How could you resist this cute dog?” she concluded.

Remember you can follow the amazing CL on her Social Media Accounts:




Scroll down to see more of her awe-inspiring artwork:

There’s nothing more touching than the bond between a trainer and her starter🩷
UNDER THE SEA🌊 A mesmerizing illustration of Azurill for the third generation of Pokédex Ilustrada🐚

UP IN THE SKY☁️ The magnificent Togetic for the second generation of Pokédex Ilustrada🌅

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