Video: English dub version of Pokémon Twilight Wings—The Gathering of Stars is now available

A new special edition episode of Pokémon: Twilight Wings was released in Japanese on November 5 at 14:00 UTC to celebrate the release of The Crown Tundra as part of the Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass. This episode is set in areas from the Expansion Pass. The English dub version of this episode was officially released on November 17:

Pokémon: Twilight Wings—The Gathering of Stars

Big plans and bigger adventures unfold in the newest Pokémon: Twilight Wings episode! 🌟🌠

Travel with Leon to the Isle of Armor as he gathers the best Trainers from Galar in the newest episode of Pokémon: Twilight Wings—The Gathering of Stars!

【公式】スペシャルアニメ「薄明の翼」 EXPANSION ~星の祭~

『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド エキスパンションパス』第2弾「冠の雪原」の配信開始を記念して制作された、『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド エキスパンションパス』の世界を舞台にしたスペシャルアニメ。


「薄明の翼」の制作スタッフが再集結し制作する、1話限りのスペシャルアニメーション「薄明の翼」 EXPANSION をぜひ楽しんでね!

■監督:山下清悟 Shingo Yamashita
■脚本 / 演出:渡辺葉 Yo Watanabe
■キャラクターデザイン:小笠原真 Shin Ogasawara
■作画監督:黄捷 / 渡辺暁子 Huang Chieh / Akiko Watanabe
■色彩設計:広瀬いづみ Izumi Hirose
■美術監督:竹田悠介/益城貴昌 Yusuke Takeda / Takamasa Masuki
■3DCG:高橋将人 Masato Takahashi
■撮影監督:小川克人 Katsuto Ogawa
■音響監督:三間雅文 Masafumi Mima
■音楽:コーニッシュ Conisch
■アニメーション制作:スタジオコロリド Studio Colorido

A Special New Episode of Pokémon: Twilight Wings Is Coming Soon

Meet new characters from the Galar region in Pokémon: Twilight Wings—The Gathering of Stars.

Pokémon: Twilight Wings, the limited animated series set in the Galar region, recently concluded with the release of the seventh episode on Pokémon TV and the official Pokémon YouTube channel. However, fans are in for a treat thanks to the upcoming release of a new episode titled Pokémon: Twilight Wings—The Gathering of Stars.

Currently scheduled for release this November, this special episode will feature familiar characters alongside new faces from the Galar region. The Twilight Wings production staff reunited to produce The Gathering of Stars, so it will remain true to the previous episodes. Like those episodes, this new chapter in the Pokémon: Twilight Wings story will be available on Pokémon TV and the official Pokémon YouTube channel.

Check back later for more information about Pokémon: Twilight Wings—The Gathering of Stars.

Videos: Pokémon Twilight Wings Episode 1 “Letter” now available in English and Japanese

Videos: Episode 2 of Pokémon Twilight Wings now available in English and Japanese

Video: Episode 3 of Pokémon Twilight Wings has been released

Video: English dub of Pokémon Twilight Wings episode 4 now available

Video: Pokémon Twilight Wings episode 5 “Assistant” now available in English

Videos: Pokémon Twilight Wings episode 6 is now available in Japanese and English

Video: Seventh and final episode of Pokémon Twilight Wings, Sky, now available in Japanese and English

Source: and