Niantic compiles official Pokémon GO World Championships Celebration Guide Highlighting Advanced Tactics

Niantic is continuing to announce new events and content for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more:

A Pokémon GO World Championships Celebration: Advanced Tactics

A Pokémon GO World Championships Celebration: Advanced Tactics

Hey, Trainers!

Sophtoph and SpeediestChief here!

Let’s take a look at advanced tactics for Trainers looking to get their battle strategies tournament-ready for the Pokémon GO World Championship Series!

Reviewing the foundations

Shadow Pokémon

Shadow Pokémon can become powerful allies once you rescue them from Team GO Rocket. Let’s take a deep dive into both Shadow Pokémon and Purified Pokémon, and explore what makes them special!

Trading Pokémon

Trading Pokémon with your fellow Trainers can have huge benefits! You can obtain strong Pokémon for your team, evolve and power up your Pokémon using less Stardust and Candy, and more!

Maximizing your resources for Battles

The most talented Trainers look for every advantage in battle! These are some fun ways to manage and maximize your resources.

Powering up Pokémon with Candy XL

Many of the most powerful Pokémon require Candy XL to power up. Here’s a guide on how to build them!

Preparing for a tournament

OK, great! Now that we know how to capture and train powerful Pokémon for battles, it’s time to build our team. Let’s move on to the next phase…

Team Building

Team building is one of the greatest challenges for Trainers, no matter their level of experience! Let’s listen to one of our battle experts break down the most important keys to building a strong team of six Pokémon.

Reading Teams of 6

When you encounter your first opponent, you’ll need to analyze their team of six Pokémon and predict how they will use them against your team. Let’s take a closer look at the challenges of team reading!

Winning a best-of-three match

Let’s put it all together with a real-life example! This is how the 2023 EUIC Champion, TontonBatteuse, won the Grand Finals against Nesabethan!

Advanced Mechanics

Great work! There’s always more to learn about Pokémon GO battles. Let’s take a closer look at the mechanics and strategies that the best Trainers use to win!

Energy management

One of the most important parts of battling other Trainers in Pokémon GO is energy management. Managing your energy during a battle can make all the difference! Let’s watch a detailed explanation of how to maximize energy!

Charged Attack timing

In Pokémon GO battles, timing is everything! Let’s follow along and learn how to time Charged Attacks perfectly!

Advanced Charged Attack timing

As a final note, let’s take an even closer look at Charged Attack timing!

Tune in to the Pokémon GO World Championships this weekend!

The 2023 Pokémon World Championships will take place from August 11 to 13, 2023, in Yokohama, Japan.

The top qualifying Pokémon GO players from around the globe will compete to determine who will be crowned the 2023 Pokémon GO World Champion!

Tune in and watch all the action beginning at 9:00 a.m. JST each day!

Trainers who tune into Twitch may even spot codes to receive rewards!

English Stream

Japanese Stream

Well, that’s all for now, Trainers! We hope the detailed explanations in these videos help you prepare for your next Pokémon GO battle event!

To start your journey to becoming a Pokémon GO World Champion, you can find local, regional, and international championships near you on the official Play! Pokémon website.

Sophtoph is a contributing writer for
SpeediestChief2 is a Pokémon GO caster for the Pokémon Company International.

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

A Pokémon GO World Championships Celebration: Our Favorite Picks!

A Pokémon GO World Championships Celebration: Our Favorite Picks!

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s go over some of the Pokémon we recommend keeping an eye out for this weekend!

Our favorite 2023 World Championships celebration event picks

Scraggy evolves into Scrafty, a versatile Dark- and Fighting-type Pokémon that is a strong contender in both the Great League and the Ultra League, filling a unique role as a Pokémon that can counter both Steel-type and Ghost-type Pokémon.

Recommended Leagues:

Great League
Ultra League
Meditite evolves into Medicham, whose unusual dual Psychic and Fighting type allows it to beat other Fighting types. Plus, its wide pool of Charged Attacks make it a versatile option. Almost every Regional Champion in the 2023 Play! Pokémon series included a Medicham on their team of six*!

Recommended Leagues:

Great League
*Note that teams of six Pokémon only apply to the World Championships competitive format. The GO Battle League requires teams of three Pokémon.
Spheal evolves into Sealeo, which then evolves into Walrein. A Walrein that knows the Community Day–exclusive attacks Powder Snow and Icicle Spear is a powerful asset against many common Flying types or Dragon types that your Pokémon might face. It is an excellent and versatile Pokémon in both the Great League and Ultra League.

Recommended Leagues:

Great League
Ultra League
Wooper evolves into Quagsire, whose recently added Mud Bomb complements the other Charged Attacks it can learn! From Stone Edge to Sludge Bomb, Earthquake and more, Quagsire can deal good damage to almost any other Pokémon! Additionally, it only takes supereffective damage from one type—Grass!

Recommended Leagues:

Great League
Little Cup (as Wooper)
Chinchou evolves into Lanturn, the Light Pokémon, whose dual Water and Electric typing allows it to counter both Flying types and other Water-type Pokémon. In addition, it has multiple viable Fast Attacks that it can learn—such as Spark and Water Gun—which you can choose between depending on what your team needs.

Recommended Leagues:

Great League
Little Cup (as Chinchou)
Lickitung is an excellent Pokémon in the Great League, as its high Defense and HP allow it to comfortably manage Ghost-type opponents and deal neutral damage to many Pokémon. It takes a lot of Candy XL to fully power it up, though, so try and catch each one you see. The ability to learn Body Slam enables it to deal reliable damage to almost every Pokémon, while Power Whip gives it great coverage against Water Pokémon, such as Lanturn or Swampert.

Recommended Leagues:

Great League
Dubwool is a powerful Normal-type Pokémon. It can learn attacks that are Normal-, Electric-, Fighting-, and Dark-type, making it incredibly versatile! As a Normal type, Dubwool is only weak to Fighting-type attacks. Dubwool can find success in both the Great League and the Ultra League.

Recommended Leagues:

Great League
Ultra League

Don’t forget about these event perks!

Featured attacks and an Elite Fast TM

In addition to looking out for all of these Pokémon in the wild, don’t forget to evolve your Alolan Sandshrew, Seel, and Sealeo! If you evolve these Pokémon during the event, their Evolutions will know powerful featured attacks. And if you missed out on getting a featured attack in a previous event, don’t worry! There will also be Timed Research awarding an Elite Fast TM, an item that lets you teach a Pokémon a Fast Attack of your choosing—even a featured attack!

GO Battle League bonuses

And finally, make sure to bring all of your new Pokémon to the GO Battle League during the event. Not only will you be able to battle in twice as many sets as usual, but the Pokémon in reward encounters may have stats better suited to battling!

Tune in to the Pokémon GO World Championships this weekend!

The 2023 Pokémon World Championships will take place from August 11 to 13, 2023, in Yokohama, Japan.

The top qualifying Pokémon GO players from around the globe will compete to determine who will be crowned the 2023 Pokémon GO World Champion!

Tune in and watch all the action beginning at 9:00 a.m. JST each day!

Trainers who tune into Twitch may even spot codes to receive rewards!

English Stream

Japanese Stream

That’s all from us for now, Trainers! Best of luck in the GO Battle League!

Sophtoph is a contributing writer for
SpeediestChief2 is a Pokémon GO caster for the Pokémon Company International.

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

A Pokémon GO World Championships Celebration: A Basic Guide to Pokémon GO Battles

A Pokémon GO World Championships Celebration: A Basic Guide to Pokémon GO Battles

Hey, Trainers!

Sophtoph and SpeediestChief2 here!

To celebrate the Pokémon World Championships, we’ll be posting articles that go over Pokémon GO battle basics and more!

With Pokémon GO’s 2023 World Championships event going on now, it’s a great time to cover everything you need to get started on your road to becoming a GO Battle League Legend—or even the next World Champion!

Read on to learn more!

GO Battle League
Championship Series

Catching Pokémon to battle with

In Pokémon GO, Pokémon appear all around us, and there are many opportunities to catch Pokémon that can be used in battle. From the Charmander that you caught at your local park to the Scraggy you hatched from an Egg, there’s a huge variety of Pokémon to power up and battle with! Here are some tips and tricks for the best ways to get Pokémon ready for battle.

In-game events are great opportunities to catch lots of a particular Pokémon (and therefore end up with a lot of Candy!) and to teach Pokémon powerful Fast Attacks and Charged Attacks. Some of the most important events to participate in are Community Days. Community Days allow you to teach featured attacks—like Frenzy Plant, Hydro Cannon, and Blast Burn—to specific Pokémon.

Raid Hours increase the frequency of raids for a short time, which can lead to more opportunities to defeat and capture powerful Legendary Pokémon like Tapu Fini and Registeel.

It’s no secret that Shadow Pokémon are very strong, so make sure to battle against Team GO Rocket whenever they appear and rescue the Shadow Pokémon they leave behind! Pokémon like Shadow Alolan Sandshrew and Shadow Mudkip can become the mighty Shadow Alolan Sandslash and Shadow Swampert, respectively! The Shadow Pokémon you rescue are usually stuck with the Charged Attack Frustration, but if you want to teach them a new Charged Attack, you will need to wait until the next Team GO Rocket Takeover and use a Charged TM!

There’s always something exciting happening in Pokémon GO. Check your calendar for upcoming in-game events, from holiday events to Adventure Week and more! These in-game events typically spotlight particular Pokémon or types of Pokémon, so they are a great opportunity to acquire your next GO Battle League all-star! Pokémon that are above Level 40 require a lot of resources to power up, but they can also be the most useful—take advantage of in-game events for opportunities to get Candy XL!

You can also acquire GO Battle League favorites by hatching Eggs and trading with your fellow Trainers! If you trade certain Pokémon—such as Machoke, Haunter, and Phantump—the Candy requirement to evolve them is reduced to 0, so make sure to leverage awesome opportunities like these!

Battling basics

Once we have caught, evolved, and powered up our Pokémon, we’re ready to battle!

Entering a battle

When battling other Trainers, start by selecting a team of three Pokémon. The first Pokémon you select will be your “lead,” and it will appear on the battlefield first. The other two Pokémon will be your reserve Pokémon, and they will remain inside their Poké Balls until they are switched into battle. Once you select your three Pokémon, you can press “Use This Party” to get started!

Once both Trainers have locked in their teams, a countdown will begin. 3…2…1… GO!

Battle screen information

When the battle begins, you can find useful information at the top of the screen, such as the types of the Pokémon in the battle, how many Pokémon each Trainer has remaining (represented by bright Poké Balls), and how many Protect Shields you and your opponent each have remaining. You and your Pokémon are on the left, and the right side has your opponent and their Pokémon.

Fast Attacks

To begin attacking your opponent’s Pokémon, you can tap anywhere on the screen other than the icons that show your own Pokémon or the Charged Attack icons at the bottom. Tapping the screen initiates a Fast Attack, and with each Fast Attack, two things will occur: your Pokémon will deal damage to the opponent’s Pokémon and your Pokémon will gain energy for its Charged Attack.

For example, in the image here, Sableye is dealing damage with each Shadow Claw—its Fast Attack—while gaining energy for both of its Charged Attacks, Foul Play and Return.

Charged Attacks

To use a Charged Attack, you’ll need to build up the required energy by using Fast Attacks until the Charged Attack icon is full, and then tap the Charged Attack icon. Tapping the Charged Attack icon triggers a mini-game that is based on the type of the Charged Attack. Swipe all the icons that appear to fully power up your Charged Attack.

While you are completing the Charged Attack mini-game, your opponent will have the opportunity to use one of their two Protect Shields to block the damage from your impending Charged Attack. You only have two Protect Shields to use per battle, so deciding when to use them is very important! Keep in mind that Protect Shields will not prevent status effects or stop a decrease in Attack or Defense.

Swapping Pokémon

To bring a different Pokémon onto the field, you can tap on one of your remaining Pokémon shown on the right side of your screen. However, you can only switch Pokémon once every 60 seconds, so swap carefully!

End of the battle

The first Trainer to bring all of their opponent’s Pokémon down to zero HP is the winner! Each battle has a time limit of five minutes, after which the battle will be decided based on which Trainer has more Pokémon remaining. If both Trainers have the same number of Pokémon left, the winner is determined by which Trainer’s Pokémon has the highest percentage of HP remaining.

GO Battle League

The GO Battle League is a great way to test your mettle against other Trainers. Every day, Trainers have the opportunity to play five sets of five battles each in the GO Battle League. All you have to do is tap “Battle” and enter with a team of three Pokémon.

There are three basic formats, the Great League, the Ultra League, and the Master League, which determine the CP limit and which Pokémon you can enter. Every few weeks, you might notice that the available formats change. In general, the formats rotate through the open Great League, Ultra League, and Master League. Special cups also become available throughout the Season, where only Pokémon that meet certain criteria are eligible to compete. For example, the latest Season— Hidden Gems—saw the introduction of the Single-type Cup in the Great League, in which only Pokémon with a single type and 1,500 CP or less were eligible. Each Season also contains special GO Battle Days, during which you can participate in four times as many battles as usual and earn additional rewards, such as extra Stardust, exclusive avatar items, and special rewards, including Elite Fast TMs, Elite Charged TMs, and Rare Candy XL.

As you climb the ranks to the prestigious Legend rank, you will also gain special rewards, such as the opportunity to encounter Legendary Pokémon in the GO Battle League, an encounter with Pikachu Libre, and exclusive avatar items. In addition, you can see the names of the top 500 Trainers in the GO Battle League on the leaderboard.

Pokémon GO Championship Series

If you enjoy the GO Battle League and would like to meet and battle other Trainers in person, you can enter Play! Pokémon tournaments to prove you’re the very best!

To begin your path to becoming a World Champion, you can find Pokémon GO Challenges, Pokémon GO cups, Regional Championships, and International Championships near you on the Play! Pokémon website.

While these tournaments also involve battling teams of three, just like in the GO Battle League, Trainers will need to come prepared with a team of six Pokémon. Before each battle, Trainers have the opportunity to look over their opponent’s team of six to select which three Pokémon to use in each battle.

Tune into the Pokémon GO World Championships this weekend!

The 2023 Pokémon World Championships will take place from August 11 to 13, 2023, in Yokohama, Japan.

The top qualifying Pokémon GO players from around the globe will compete to determine who will be crowned the 2023 Pokémon GO World Champion!

Tune in and watch all the action beginning at 9:00 a.m. JST each day!

Trainers who tune into Twitch may even spot codes to receive rewards!

English Stream

Japanese Stream

That’s all from us for now, Trainers! Best of luck in the GO Battle League!

Sophtoph is a contributing writer for
SpeediestChief2 is a Pokémon GO caster for the Pokémon Company International.

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

Get codes for exclusive Timed Research during the 2023 Pokémon GO World Championships Twitch broadcast

Get codes for exclusive Timed Research during the 2023 Pokémon GO World Championships Twitch broadcast


We’re celebrating this year’s Pokémon GO World Championships with some exclusive treats for those who tune in to our Twitch live stream!

Timed Research codes via the Pokémon GO Twitch live stream

In addition to all the festivities planned in Pokémon GO and going on live at Yokohama, we’re excited to share that Trainers will have the chance to receive two exclusive Timed Research codes when they watch 30 minutes of the Pokémon GO Twitch live stream during the Pokémon GO World Championships!

Day 1: Great League Greatness Timed Research

Trainers who redeem Day 1’s live stream code will get exclusive Timed Research focused on battling basics.* Reward encounters include Pokémon that’ll make a worthy Great League team!

Trainers will get to choose between the following reward encounters.

Team Option 1
Team Option 2
Team Option 3
Additional Rewards
8,000 Stardust
1× Premium Battle Pass
1× Star Piece
And More!
If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!
*These codes will be valid through August 20, 2023, at 12:00 a.m. UTC. Only one of each of the Timed Research codes can be claimed per account.

Day 2: DancingRob’s Champion Timed Research

Trainers who redeem Day 2’s live stream code will get exclusive Timed Research that honors the 2022 Pokémon GO Master’s Division World Champion, DancingRob, and one of the key Pokémon that helped him become a champ!*

Trainers will have a chance to obtain the following rewards.

Galarian Stunfisk
Elite Charged TM
And More!
If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one!
*These codes will be valid through August 20, 2023, at 12:00 a.m. UTC. Only one of each of the Timed Research codes can be claimed per account.

How to obtain and redeem a code

1. Follow the Pokémon GO Twitch channel

Make sure you’re following the official Pokémon GO Twitch channel so you’ll get a notification when the broadcast begins.

Follow the link below to our channel.

2. Watch the Pokémon GO World Championships live stream on Day 1 or Day 2

The Pokémon GO Twitch live stream dates are as follows.

  • Friday, August 11, 2023, starting at 12:00 a.m. UTC and running until the end of the day’s rebroadcast.
  • Saturday, August 12, 2023, starting at 12:00 a.m. UTC and running until the end of the day’s rebroadcast.

Rebroadcasts will occur throughout the weekend, outside of the above-listed live show times. If you miss the live broadcast, you can still follow the below steps during a rebroadcast to get a code.

3. Locate the giveaway panel

During the live stream, there will be a panel below the Twitch stream window on the Pokémon GO Twitch channel.

4. Share your Twitch ID

Click “Share Twitch ID” to join and have your watch time tracked.

5. Watch for 30 minutes

A timer will appear that tracks your watch time. Minimizing the stream will pause your timer. Please note that refreshing or closing the stream may reset your timer.

6. Claim your code

After you watch for 30 minutes, a button will appear labeled “Claim Your Code.” Click the button to reveal your code!*

7. Redeem your Code

Click on the revealed code to copy it to your clipboard. You can use the direct link under the code to go to the Redeem Offer Codes page.

Having trouble? Please refer to this article to learn more about redeeming codes.

*These codes will be valid through August 20, 2023, at 12:00 a.m. UTC. Only one of each of the Timed Research can be claimed per account.

There’s more to celebrate!

That’s not all we have planned to celebrate the Pokémon GO World Championships!

  • Enjoy a global celebration event in Pokémon GO!
  • The 2023 Worlds Tee (Yellow) will be available globally via a code shared during the Pokémon GO World Championships live stream. You can also get the code when it’s distributed via official Pokémon GO social media channels shortly after the stream. The code will be valid through August 20, 2023, at 12:00 a.m. UTC.

Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated.

—The Pokémon GO team

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

Celebrate the 2023 Pokémon World Championships in Pokémon GO!

Celebrate the 2023 Pokémon World Championships in Pokémon GO!
The Pokémon GO World Championships
Celebration Event in Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO is headed to the 2023 Pokémon World Championships!

Crowning a World Champion!

The 2023 Pokémon World Championships will take place from August 11 to 13, 2023, in Yokohama, Japan.

The top qualifying Pokémon GO players from around the globe will compete to determine who will be crowned the 2023 Pokémon GO World Champion!

Among other prizes, the Pokémon GO World Champion will receive an in-game World Champion 2023 outfit and pose!

Tune in to watch live!

Tune in and watch all the action beginning at 12:00 a.m. UTC each day!

English Stream:

Japanese Stream:

Avatar Items to celebrate

Keep your eyes on the broadcast—we’ll display a code for the following T-shirt for your avatar!

  • 2023 Worlds Tee (Yellow): Available globally via a code shared during the World Championships Stream on the first day of the competition.

The following item will be available beginning on August 11, 2023.

  • 2023 Worlds Tee (Gray): Available globally in the in-app shop at no cost.

A 2023 Pokémon World Championships Celebration in Pokémon GO!

Friday, August 11, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time

Pokémon GO is celebrating the 2023 Pokémon World Championships and all things GO Battle League!

Pokémon debuts

Passimian, the Teamwork Pokémon, will make its Pokémon GO debut!

New costumed Pokémon will appear during this event!
World Championships 2023 Pikachu
If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!

Event Bonuses

Battle Icon
The maximum number of sets you can play per day in the GO Battle League will go up from 5 to 10.
Battle Icon
Pokémon encountered via GO Battle League rewards will have a wider variance of Attack, Defense, and HP.

Research Icon - BlackTimed Research

World Championships–themed Timed Research will be available throughout the event!

Complete the research tasks to earn an Elite Fast TM, an encounter with a World Championships 2023 Pikachu, and more!

World Championships 2023 Pikachu
Elite Fast TM

Wild Encounter - BlackWild encounters

The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.

Also, for the first time in Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to encounter Shiny Scraggy—if you’re lucky!

Meditite - Shiny On
Spheal - Shiny Icon On
If you’re lucky, you might encounter the following.
If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!

Raid Icon - BlackRaids

The following Pokémon will be appearing in raids.

one-star eggOne-Star Raids
World Championships 2023 Pikachu
Alolan Sandshrew
three-star eggThree-Star Raids
Galarian Stunfisk
Galarian Stunfisk
five-star eggsFive-Star Raids
mega-raid eggMega Raids
Mega Gyarados
Mega Gyarados
If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!

Research Icon - BlackField Research task encounters

You can encounter the following Pokémon when you complete Field Research tasks!

World Championships 2023 Pikachu
World Championships 2023 Pikachu
Alolan Sandshrew
Alolan Sandshrew
Galarian Zigzagoon
If you’re lucky, you might encounter a Shiny one!

Featured attacks

Alolan Sandslash
Evolve Alolan Sandshrew during the event to get an Alolan Sandslash that knows the Fast Attack Shadow Claw.
Evolve Machoke during the event to get a Machamp that knows the Charged Attack Payback.
Evolve a Seel during the event to get a Dewgong that knows the Fast Attack Ice Shard and the Charged Attack Icy Wind.
Evolve Sealeo during the event to get a Walrein that knows the Fast Attack Powder Snow and the Charged Attack Icicle Spear.
Evolve Galarian Linoone during the event to get an Obstagoon that knows the Charged Attack Obstruct.

Avatar Items

The following items will be available beginning on August 11, 2023.

  • 2023 Worlds Jersey
  • 2023 Worlds Jacket

Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow us on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications, and subscribe to our emails to stay updated.

—The Pokémon GO team

Source: Official Pokémon GO blog

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