Niantic confirms new Pokémon GO issue where when a Trainer Mega Evolves Rayquaza, they should receive a candy bonus for Psychic type Pokémon but currently do not

Niantic has updated the official Known Issues support page for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more:

Candy bonus for Psychic type Pokémon is not applying when Rayquaza is Mega Evolved

Last Updated: 2h

Candy bonus for Psychic type Pokémon is not applying when Rayquaza is Mega Evolved.

Issue description: When a Trainer Mega Evolves Rayquaza, they should receive a candy bonus for Psychic type Pokémon but currently do not.

Issue status: Resolved in next release

Source: Official Pokémon GO support page

Known Issues

Last Updated: 3h
Here is where you can find a list of issues currently being investigated by our engineering team. This list will be updated regularly, and issues will be added and removed as they are discovered and resolved. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or working to fix. Click the link(s) for more detailed pages about individual Known Issues. You can find the list of known issues related to GO Battle League here.
To report a bug that isn’t listed here, or get one on one support, please submit a ticket in-app under the Settings menu, or see our article on how to best contact us for different issues.
Last updated: August 18th, 2023
Some Trainers see incorrect or missing visuals when battling.
Issue description: Some Trainers battling may see incorrect or missing visuals if their device has not yet downloaded assets after a new update.
Issue status: Investigating. Please use the “download all assets” feature in the settings menu to mitigate this issue.
Berries and balls cannot be changed when encountering an Ultra Beast.
Issue description: Some Trainers do not see the ability to change berries or balls when encountering an Ultra Beast in GO Battle League.
Issue status: Investigating.

Source: Official Pokémon GO support page

2 thoughts on “Niantic confirms new Pokémon GO issue where when a Trainer Mega Evolves Rayquaza, they should receive a candy bonus for Psychic type Pokémon but currently do not

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