FanArt Friday: El Bazar de Arceus, Mawile, Caterpie & Entei

For this edition of FanArt Friday, Pokémon Blog is deeply honored to feature the art of the brilliant illustrator El Bazar De Horus. He participated in the four generations of Pokédex Ilustrada, the extraordinary project helmed by our friends from Ilustradoras Unidas.

Art is a fundamental part of EBDH’s life.

He’s a professional visual artist who considers art as “a discipline that keeps me working day-by-day, inspiring me to push my own limits both as a person and as an artist, through effort, continuous work, and constant curiosity.”

He has transformed the craft into more than just an activity but as a basic necessity in his life. 

THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS👑 A mindblowing illustration of Arceus for the fourth generation of Pokédex Ilustrada⚜️

“The Pokémon franchise has been a lifelong friend, helping me to create friendships that have lasted a lifetime and a place of comfort that allows me to return to my childhood whenever I want to,” he explained. 

“The experience of being able to participate in all four generations of Pokédex Ilustrada has been very fulfilling, as I feel that in some way I have been able to give something back on my own terms to this franchise that has been so meaningful to me.”

THE EMPEROR OF FLAMES🔥An illustrious Entei for the second generation of Pokédex Ilustrada⛩️

His favorite Pokémon is Caterpie.

Remember you can follow the talented EBDH on his Social Media Accounts:




Web-Proyecto Fortunna

See more of the beautiful drawings created by our featured artist:

VERDE MÁS ALLÁ🌿EBDH had the pleasure to draw his favorite Pokémon for the first generation of Pokédex Ilustrada💚
THE LOVELIEST TIME🎀 A pair of Mawile for the third generation of Pokédex Ilustrada🫖

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